Kitchen-Garden-210616This week in the Kitchen Garden, we will be planting out our leeks. Every year around this time, I walk around the garden trying to figure out where I will put the leeks that have been growing in cells in the cold frame as well as in neat rows in a seed bed. I always seem to forget them when I am planting out.  The garden is stuffed full of vegetable s everywhere I look! 

Today I have seen some peas that are nearly past their best and some spinach that looks like it’s about to bolt.  I will finish harvesting both crops, consign the remains to the compost heap and give the soil a good digging over before planting out the leeks in their place.

As always at this time of year, we will continue to feed our crops as well as tying them in as they grow. Our cucumbers have now reached the top of the greenhouse, so we have started training them across the roof struts.  They will love the conditions and will provide useful shade to the tomato plants underneath. 

We will be applyng our next dose of nemaslug this week. We have had a lot of rain lately leaving the soil in good condition for slugs.  If the conditions are good for slugs, then they are also good for appying nemaslug.  Goodness knows we need it – it certainly is a terrible year for slugs and snails.  So far, though, we are winning the war.

We are continuing to harvest our strawberries along with rhubarb, mange tout, cucumbers, tomatoes, asparagus, salad leaves and spinach in abundance.