Kitchen Garden 050115Here at Stephanie’s Kitchen Garden this week we will be getting back out into the garden following the Christmas break.  There is plenty of digging to be done – an ideal way to work off those Christmas excesses! 

Over Christmas, we finished harvesting the Brussel Sprout crop so we will be clearing the ground where they were growing and digging in some well rotted farmyard manure to prepare the ground for this year’s potato crop.  The ground will then be covered with polythene to prevent the goodness from the manure being washed away by winter rain.  The polythene will also help to warm up the soil come the spring.  It will need to be well pegged down to stop it blowing away.

We will also be pruning our autumn raspberry crop down to the ground.  These will then be mulched with well rotted manure to give them some goodness ready for the season ahead.  This also gives s an ideal opportunity to clean the raspberry support with a soft cloth and soapy water.

This week in Stephanie’s Kitchen Garden we will be harvesting leeks, broccoli, kale , chard and spinach.