Micro and Mini Manger Planters

Customer Reviews
Mrs Mahoney, Surrey
"I found it really hard to find the right planter for the space I had..the micro manger worked perfectly. A very sturdy and attractive planter. Easy to assemble and deep enough to allow for plenty of root growth and retained moisture. As you can see my herbs are loving it."
Mrs Creek, Hertfordshire
"As you can see, I am using it to grow strawberries (very successfully). Although I have quite a large garden, I have nowhere really suitable for strawberries. Identical plants growing directly in the ground are in very poor condition. Not only does the manger provide a very good home for this crop, it also looks decorative, even when not bearing fruit."
Mrs Hadley, Northamptonshire
"The micro manger is perfect against our small wall alongside the steps in our garden allowing us to use what would be a wasted space and as you can see it may be micro but the plants growing do not have to be as the rats tail radish shows."
Mr Gross, Suffolk
"As you can see i have planted various herbs, from left to right, parsley, rosemary, sage, Dill, chives, thyme and basil. The manger sits just outside our back door and gives off a delightful perfume as one passes. It is positioned in partial sun and in an effort to cover and disguise an unsightly oil tank. The product is excellent, was assembled with relative ease, and I coated it with three coats of Ronseal, which maybe was a little un-necessary."
Mr Barnes, Kent
"We purchased one corner raised bed and two mini manger trough planters to give our green-fingered five year old something to develop her enthusiasm. I can say the beds are a great success; our daughter had an excellent crop of carrots, radishes, beans, herbs, etc. in the first year, and was looking forward to planting them again this year. She was out most nights with a watering can or hose, and very much enjoyed popping out to harvest some of “her” produce for cooking. I think the ease of access around the troughs and the height really helped make things more interesting, and the fact we put them in one corner made them her own project. I would definitely recommend the products."
Mrs Sweeting, Oxfordshire
"I needed to replace an olden wooden tub that was falling apart. I looked at various options, and when I saw the mini-manger (as this house is a converted barn) I decided it was a good connection - barn - farm - manger, plus the fact I also like putting things together, so I enjoyed building it!. The main feature of the planting is the box(buxus) pyramid which is permanent. During the winter I have planted winter pansies around the edge. This summer I have chosen alpine campanula with small bell shaped lavender-blue flowers, with the alpine dianthus in white. As it is at the entrance of the property, I must admit, I have received very favourable comments from a lot of people."
Miss Keen, West Midlands
"My manger is by the back door with a variety of herbs, lettuce and garlic in it. I can just step out and cut what I need."
Mrs Parkes, Devon
"I've been very pleased with it as I've manage to grow lots of salad greens this year so far, plus parsley, chives carrots and spinach leaves. I am about to thin out the older stuff and re-seed .Got some baby beetroot leaves coming through and 'Ive sown some chard and spring onions but so far no sign. The manger is very good quality and was relatively easy for my husband to assemble. All in all a success."
Mr and Mrs Watts, Oxfordshire
"I am extremely pleased with my mini manger. The mini manger stands outside my back door on the patio. Last year, my first summer using it, I grew carrots, radishes, beetroot, Tom Thumb lettuces, spinach, cut and come again salad leaves and courgettes. The manger took about 4 bags of good quality vegetable compost from my local garden centre. I divided the space into squares to sow each crop. This year in March I took out about a third of the soil and mixed in a fresh bag of compost and a little manure. I have grown again this year, carrots, radishes, beetroots, Tom Thumb lettuces and cut and come again salad leaves, but I planted more in traditional rows this year. I did not grow courgettes this year, as I found them not terribly successful - although I had some good courgettes, the leaves tended to take over some of the other crops and also went rather mouldy, so I have them in a separate container. The spinach also was not successful. Carrots are great, so too the radishes and Tom Thumb lettuces and I keep sowing a succcession of seed in a separate pot so that I can plant out more seedlings as we eat the lettuce. The beetroot tend to be small, but still successful. As it stands in full sun for most of the day it does require watering most days in hot weather. I am extremely pleased with my mini manger and am very proud of what I have been able to grow in it and intend to keep experimenting. I would like to find something to grow in it over the winter, but have not yet found a crop that would be finished by March when I need to be sowing the carrot, radishes and beetroot seeds. Overall I am extremely pleased with my mini manger and it gives me a lot of pleasure. I have to add, that it was quite easy to assemble. My husband is not a 'do-it-yourself' enthusiast, but managed to assemble it fairly easily"
Mr Murrow, Nottingham
"We looked at other competitors products but ultimately we chose to purchase our 6ft mini manger raised planter from Harrod Horticultural because of their enviable reputation for high quality products, designed and manufactured in the UK. The ordering and delivery process was simple using the website and our manger and other garden accessories arrived 3 days later – excellent service for the peak gardening period! The step-by-step instructions were easy to follow and we soon had the manger planted up with herbs on our decking, next to our patio table and link-a-bord raised bed. We love summer evenings eating outside on our decking, reaching over to our manger planter to grab additional herbs for our salads. The planter is also situated under the kitchen window so is very easy to access when you require a handful of herbs for a particular recipe. Overall we are really happy with the Harrod Horticultural service and products and won’t hesitate to recommend to fellow gardeners”
Mrs West, Hampshire
"The trough is inside my fruit cage and now full of strawberries.The trough enables me to protect them from slugs much easier than on the ground, by simply putting copper tape around the trough legs, and as I don't use artificial chemicals, I have found this very useful. The trough needed to be filled with earth/compost, and this was quite difficult as it needed an awful lot, and I don't have much spare soil around here as I have a very shallow soil in my garden. So I ended up using a mixture of soil conditioner from our local green waste site and my own compost. It may be a bit rich, as the first strawberries were enormous! On the whole though, I am very pleased with it, and will continue to use it for my strawberries as long as I can."
Mrs Rees, Mid Glamorgan
"We were very pleased with our manger, so solid. I've planted, with my granddaughter, cherry tomatoes, beans and round courgettes. This manger is a perfect height for small children to get involved in gardening for the first time."
Mr Byrne, Liverpool
"Picture of 6 foot mini manger on 23rd July showing second and third sowings of rocket and lettuce plus some baby leaf spinach, parsley and the odd dill. Mature second sowing of rocket about to be picked for a pesto. Manger looks great in the garden, has produced surprisingly copious supplies of salad leaves that are easily accessible and can be picked at the last moment for a superior product."
Mr McGrail, Edinburgh
"Delighted. Enhances a boring path and brings the garden to the kitchen window."
Mrs Dyson, Devon
"The mini manger has allowed be to grow salad and vegetables in my garden - half of which is a courtyard, so rather than waste that space - the manger has provided me with an additional planting area. It has also made the courtyard look a much ‘greener’ space rather than just stone walls. I have to say that I am really pleased with it!"