Fruit Cages Steel Corridor

Customer Reviews
Mrs Short, London
"We have a long thin suburban garden. At the back it is shaded and we put bulbs in winter but in summer not much happens there. It is too shady for most fruit and veg. But the one thing that grows well is Scottish raspberries. I put the cage up to make the area look tidy as well as to keep birds off the fruit. It has been a huge success and greatly enhanced the garden even in winter. The photos show looking back towards the house, happy raspberries! In the next one as you can see, we have not put the front down yet - it is in winter mode so we can get to canes easily and do winter work. Blueberries in tubs at one end of the cage about to swell so we will be putting the front down soon."
Mrs Halstead Geary, North Yorkshire
"I am delighted with my cage though we are in the middle of landscaping the garden."
Dr Harwood, North Yorkshire
"I have attached a photo of the walk-in cage in our garden. The cage has been a great help to us in protecting our new apple and pear trees from damage. Last year, before setting up the cage, we had very real problems from deer in particular - we back onto natural woodland on the edge of the North Yorkshire Moors. They twice 'savaged' these young trees but this year the cage has protected them and they are doing well."
Mrs Buchan, Surrey
"Herewith a photo of my fruit cage. I had to adapt it to the length of the raised bed already in existance but am enjoying the raspberries now. (Canes planted last year!)."
Mr McMullen, Wiltshire
"The corridor cage has been an absolute life-saver for us. We needed something tall, elegant looking and long lasting in order to protect a mixture of raspberries and strawberries (and a few gooseberries too) from the hens and other marauding creatures, and I knew from experience that Harrod Horticultural would not only be my first port of call but almost inevitably my last, as I never fail to find exactly what I need, at a great price, and with a fabulous delivery service to back it up."
Mrs Cooper, Devon
"As we can see the cage from the house I wanted an attractive cage & this one fits the bill. Also, the site is windy so we needed a sturdy cage. Next year, when the raspberry canes & strawberry plants have had time to mature, it should look really good and we'll be able to eat the fruit instead of the birds as last year!"