What a change in weather this week. We seem to have had weeks of cold wind and cloud, but now the wind has shifted to the south and finally the sun is gracing us with its presence and warmth. Still no rain so we have the hosepipes and watering cans at the ready.

ViburnumThe kitchen garden has had nemaslug applied this week and I was hoping for rain but it didn't arrive, so the entire garden has had a thorough watering and we will continue to do this for the next 2 weeks. Applying nemaslug keeps the slugs and snails at bay and helps the vegetables to grow healthily.

In the greenhouse vegetables and flowers have been growing steadily and in the next couple of weeks some of these will be moved outside into the cold frames, so they can get accustomed to the changes in temperature before being planted out.

Elsewhere in the other gardens, our stunning Viburnum tinus/Laurustinus is in full flower and the scent is really amazing. Lawns are being mowed regularly now the grass is growing steadily. The patios are having their yearly jet wash so once the lock down is lifted and life returns to a sense of normality, photo shoots of new and existing products can commence.

The golden stone paths are being raked each month and any stubborn weeds are sprayed with weed killer. Because of the lack of rain, the zinc and stone planters are being regularly watered and the agapanthus are now being regularly fed.