Fleece Protection

Dear Jo

Please can you advise me as to how long i should keep 30 gms fleeces on for, all through winter whilst its cold, or do i remove on days that are above freezing.   It is the first time i have used them and we have 3 plants, given to us as presents, that need frost protection.

 Thank you

Mrs Gibson  

Dear Mrs Gibson

I would leave the fleece on all winter.  The fleece can be removed in the Spring when the weather warms up and the plants begin to grow.  It can then be put back in place during the Spring on days when a frost is forecast.

 What type of plants are you using the fleece to protect?  I use fleece to cover crops such as broad beans and onions in the Kitchen Garden and on Bananas and Tree Ferns in my own garden at home.  I leave the fleece in place all winter long in all of these situations. 

If you are protecting specimen plants such as Tree Ferns or Olive trees, our Fleece Plant Jackets are particularly useful as they are very easy to remove and replace during the Spring.  They are also made from a warmer fleece depending on the type of plant you are protecting.

 I hope this helps you, but please email back to me if you have any further queries.

 Kindest Regards
