Pea Moth season

Dear Julian

Having been plagued again with the Pea Moth this year. Would you be kind enough to give me some advice on combating this pest. I look forward to hearing your comments.
Regards Peter Russell
PS I recently purchased some of your Hoops and I am impressed with the sturdy design.
many thanks.  

Dear Mr Russell

Early planting of Peas can sometimes miss the main Pea Moth season but main crops are vulnerable. You can cover up the crop with fleece to prevent the Pea Moths getting to the crop. There are also Pea moth pheromone traps, which Harrod will be launching next year, which you might like to consider. These will give advance warning of the problem and help reduce numbers. A combination of their traps and fleece is the best solution as no effective insecticides are available.

I hope this helps.
