Kitchen Garden 240215_2Here at Stephanie’s Kitchen Garden this week we will be pricking out some of our new little seedlings in the greenhouse.  The heated propagator is a hive of activity and some of the tomatoes, aubergines and peppers are ready to be transferred to small pots.  This is one of my favourite jobs in the kitchen garden – radio on in a warm greenhouse on a sunny day pricking out seedlings make for a very satisfied and happy kitchen gardener!

We will also moving our shallots and broad beans into the cold frame.  These have been growing well in the cold part of the greenhouse and will now be hardened off for a couple of weeks before being planted outside.

We are currently suffering from a problem with hungry mice in Stephanie’s Kitchen Garden.  Lack of food elsewhere seems to be driving them in our direction.  The bird food supply has been sealed in mouse proof containers in the potting shed and crops outside are being covered with chicken wire or cloches to protect them.  We are also setting mouse traps to try and relocate the little pests elsewhere before the planting season begins in earnest.

This week we will be continuing to harvest leeks and we will be sowing parsnips.