Lawn Tools

Quality lawn tools are a must if you want to keep your lush green garden carpet looking that way; when you consider what a lawn has to go through each year, it's hardly surprising that a little TLC is required!

Our lawn tools include aerators to reduce compaction and prevent waterlogging; scarifiers for moss and thatch removal; lawn rakes along with half moon lawn edgers - so there's no excuse for making this the year you give your lawn some love!

Reasons To Buy
  • Sneeboer Hand Forged Tools Since 1913!
  • Burgon & Ball Tools - RHS Endorsed - UK Made
  • High Quality Stainless Steel Tools
  • Aerators, Rakes, Lawn Edgers, Scarifiers and Shears
  • Create A Beautiful Lush Green Lawn
Exclusive designed & made by us in the UK
Exclusive designed &
made by us in the UK