Insect Mesh Netting

Insect mesh protection netting forms an impenetrable barrier to those garden pests and insects who are small in stature but can cause severe damage to vegetables and fruit on a large scale.

Our insect mesh is available in standard fine mesh size and also ultra-fine, an almost microscopic mesh protection net. The netting will keep infamous insect pests such as aphids, whitefly, carrot fly, cabbage root fly and caterpillars at bay, whilst letting through vital sunlight and water.

Carrot fly is a common pest with gardeners all over the UK, it is a small black-bodied fly whose larvae feed on the roots of carrots and related plants, such as parsnip, parsley, celery and celeriac.

Standard Insect Mesh Netting

This insect mesh is made from 100% polyethylene, which is strong and durable but also light enough to be laid directly over crops. The mesh netting will also form an effective barrier against carrot-fly when placed over our garden netting hoops.

Insect mesh netting is a must have in the vegetable garden, protecting your plants from pest attack. This UV stabilised, long-lasting, exceptionally strong tear resistant 60g mesh will keep out common garden pests such as carrot fly, cabbage root fly along with butterflies and birds.  

Ultra-Fine Insect Mesh Netting

A heavy duty 100% polyethylene UV stabilised fine mesh netting that keeps out practically all garden pests such as whitefly, black fly, cabbage root fly, caterpillars, birds and other insects from Spring onwards thanks to the incredibly small 0.25mm x 0.8mm ultra fine mesh. 

A long lasting superior weighted netting, weighing 110g per square metre. Light enough to be laid directly over crops, the ultra-fine insect mesh netting also provides protection against mild frosts, heavy rain, wind and hail.

We've also introduced Extra Value Saver Packs to help ensure your crop protection comes in on budget - but remember, prevention is the best cure, so whatever you're growing or protecting from, get your insect mesh protection netting on early in the season.

Black Insect Mesh Netting

Black Insect mesh netting is a fine mesh, heavy-duty, UV stabilised, long-lasting insect netting. Made from 100% polyethylene, it's light enough to be laid directly over crops or form a very effective barrier when placed over crop protection hoops.

This fine black mesh netting blends into the garden well and can be a lot more discreet than the popular white insect mesh. This insect mesh has 1.35mm square mesh size

Insect Mesh Pest & Wind Barrier

Designed as a barrier to stop Carrot Root Fly, this useful insect mesh screen is also a great deterrent for rodents and cats while providing effective protection from wind at the same time. Easy to assemble this useful kit still allows easy access to your crops. 

Erecting our 58cm high Anti Carrot-Fly Insect Mesh Barrier will certainly stop the fly in its tracks as this uninvited pest does not usually fly at a height higher than the screen.

So try some insect mesh protection this year and make sure it's you and not the pests enjoying your fruit and vegetable harvest.

Reasons To Buy
  • Fine & ultra fine insect mesh available
  • Great protection against aphids and other insects
  • Extra value saver packs
  • Heavy duty, UV stabilised mesh netting
  • Various widths and pack sizes stocked
Exclusive designed & made by us in the UK
Exclusive designed &
made by us in the UK